Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Craftland @ The Scrap Exchange

There are some who already may know of The Scrap Exchange, and then there are others who -- like me a few weeks ago -- have no idea what The Scrap Exchange is. That's where I'll be starting off first!

The Scrap Exchange is a creative reuse facility that houses hundreds of unique reuse materials that have either been donated to The Scrap Exchange, or one of their many volunteers have brought into the facility. The facility is located right on the edge of downtown Durham, very fitting for a street with various art galleries and stores.

The materials in the facility range from things like chemical beakers, to balls of yarn. The purpose of the facility is to redirect "junk" from going to the junk yards to The Scrap Exchange where people are encouraged to purchase these random objects to use in artistic projects -- or whatever you want to use them for. Its another form of traditional recycling, but with an artsy twist.

To show off their recycling creativity, The Scrap Exchange and the NC Triangle Etsy Street Team have teamed up to bring to the public the 5th annual Craftland event.

Craftland is a three-month long art show held in The Scrap Exchange's Green Gallery. The show features environmentally friendly purses, dolls, drawings, lamps, mittens, and various others products created by artists from all around the area. All items on display are available for purchase and are aimed to be the perfect, most environmentally-conscious gift you can give someone this Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday you do or don't celebrate.

Craftland is running from October 17th through January 5th. There are two more grand opening receptions to be held on November 21st and December 19th in The Scrap Exchange, both from 6PM-9PM.