Technically, I lied. As I'm writing this, the gates haven't opened yet. But come 3:00 PM later on today (Oct. 16th), the gates will swing open and all kinds of people from the state (and maybe further) will shuffle on in during a crowded frenzy. We can't escape the crowds... however, we can escape the driving crowds!
This year, I'm a huge supporter for the Park-and-Ride system that the North Carolina State Fair has this time around. With the addition of a new weekend Park-and-Ride lot in Garner, an expanded bus line from Durham's DATA buses, and with a North Raleigh and Cary lot from CAT, there are plenty of options to get you to and from the North Carolina State Fair. Even Amtrak's Carolinian's train is making a special stop right in front of the State Fair at Blue Ridge Road.
You can get all the info needed by going to North Carolina State Fair's transportation page.
Another thing worth mentioning is something that could make this year's fair profitable to you. The North Carolina Department of State Treasurer will have a booth open for the entire length of the fair that will be used to find unclaimed property for North Carolina citizens.
If you feel that you may have some unclaimed wages, utility deposits, bank accounts, etc., then you may want to check out the booth.
For more information, you can check out NC Cash.
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